About Me
I am a 4th-year Astronomy Ph.D Candidate at Yale University, advised by Frank van den Bosch.
I work primarily on the connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos. I am particularly interested in how low-mass/faint galaxy systems can be used to constrain cosmology. Currently, I am investigating how the stellar halo of centrals is built up by the accretion of satellites. I am passionate about data science and love to learn new programming tricks/skills. I am a big advocate of DEI in the field of astronomy and am an active member of several related organizations and initiatives.
I grew up in Sacramento, California and am the youngest of three brothers. I received my B.S. from UC Santa Cruz (go slugs!) and did two years of post-grad research at NASA Ames. Outside of academia, I enjoy bouldering, disc golfing, and playing volleyball.
vdB Research Group
At our department’s annual Winter party ___
Frolfing with views of Lake Tahoe
Guaranteed Bogey
Intramural Volleyball (The Partycles)
Going on 4 years but still no title…